Morpho strives to create experiences that enrich the quality of life of local communities by strengthening their human capacities and creativity. Here are the actions we put in place in 2024:
Free French and English lessons for our providers in rural communities across the country
Support for a vulnerable community in the Osa peninsula with the interdisciplinary coastal program of the National University of Costa Rica.
Monitoring programs to support rural communities:
*Coopeagrotour (Boca Tapada): Morpho employees visit the community of Boca Tapada to report on the progress of the cooperative's tourism projects and advise local stakeholders.
*Croku Y U (Guatuso) : follow-up with the head of the Malekuindigenous community association on the progress of infrastructure development in order to receive visitors thanks to donations made in 2023
We took part in a programme run by the National University of Costa Rica to finance an engine for a fisherman's boat with the aim of cleaning up waste on the Nicoya Peninsula. This year, we are strengthening and consolidating our partnership with the university through two projects in two different parts of the country:
*Isla Caballo in the Nicoya peninsula: Our collaborator Clara has made several trips to Isla Caballoto conduct long-term interviews with the island's inhabitants to help the National University,which is in the process of compiling a book on the island's history. Clara and Morpho are putting their skills in anthropology and qualitative research at the service of the University.
*Playa Blanca in the Osa Peninsula : In collaboration with the National University, the residents of Playa Blanca and a local tour operator in the area, we have created a unique cultural tour for travelers. Drawing on the skills of local players, this tour is a way of giving the community the opportunity to showcase its social and cultural wealth. Many local families have joined the project.
Morpho Evasions Costa Rica has created the Rural Sense brand.
The aim of Rural Sense is to enable artisans and entrepreneurs who are not registered for tax purposes to market their services and benefit from the Rural Sense brand. Under this brand, a number of sustainable projects have been set up, offering local communities new sustainable economic prospects.